Friday, December 5, 2008

Final thoughts

I sit here at my computer thinking about where I started and where I am now. This experience has really been a stretching, mind boggling time. I was so excited to get started. Then, well, I discovered that there was so much more to technology that I didn't know. I have watch the other members of this Fall 2008 class develop their wiki's, create avatars, and add interesting and unique features to their blogs. I may not have made it that far in my learning yet... but I have just started.

If I was asked by anyone in this district at this time if they should take this course, my answer would be YES!!! I am leaving this experience with so many new techniques and ideas that I have a new kick in my step. I am still playing with the idea of podcasting. I find my RSS reader to be fun now, though not at first, and I can link information. I don't know why I thought that was hard! I guess my only regret is that this course is ending. I have not yet mastered everything there I will continue to be a life long learner, searching for the knowledge that I need to better myself.

Thing # 23

Social networking is really unique! I definitely like Ning and all the aspects that it entails. I wasn't a real fan of Gather. It just didn't interest me at all. I found many resources on the Ning sites that I thought would be useful in both my professional development and teaching. Quality ideas from other educators always spark ideas for my own classroom. I also liked the Texas School Librarians Ning site. I like to keep up with children's literature even though I don't have much class time to use the library. Whenever I can suggest reading material for a child it makes me feel great. I will continue to visit and join the Ning sites. they are a wealth of information that will help my own personal learning journey continue.

As I was looking through the Texas Librarian site, I found two links to science fair project sites that sparked my interest. At this time of year, my students are always asking for help. The sites are in English and Spanish . My thanks to Shirley Lukenbill for this information. So many of my student's parents want to help their child with their school work, but the language interferes. Now, maybe we'll get a few successful projects.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thing #22

Looking at MySpace and Facebook was an interesting experience. I know that many of my older students, my own children and nieces use these spaces all the time. To be honest, I have looked over their shoulder as the on their sites, but never really even considered on of my own. I decided to establish a Myspace account for myself. It was very easy to set up. I went throughout the site and looked at applications, music, videos, etc. Some of the content I felt was ok and others weren't in my opinion. In today's world, these sites are a part of our society and used by our students. The impact they have and will have on children will be very powerful. Ads, various music formats, videos, etc. will be seen by those who actively use these sites. We need to be forward in our thinking and try, as educators, to use this technology to our advantage. We will always have "the good, the bad, and the ugly" in our world. We must try to instill in our students the safety nets that they will need to competently use technology in their daily lives.

I found Facebook to be the more enjoyable site to maneuver through. There wasn't' a large amount of extra information except suggestions for people I might know who also have accounts. My daughter and son won't be happy that mom has a Facebook account, but oh well!

I can see these types of social networking sites begin to be used in the educational setting more in the future. Parents, other educators, and students could have access to assignments, use them as a communication tool etc.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thing #7C-RSS reader

I was looking at my reader this evening and came across a post that was near and dear to my heart. Exercise and weight loss seem to be the bane of every 40-somethings existence. This year I have a made a commitment to myself to exercise more, try and watch my diet, and hopefully trim down a little. Victoria Davis another educator, offers a little inspiration in her blog post. I am not alone in my quest!